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Re: AWD hole-shots

On Wed, 27 Sep 1995, Robert Phillips wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Sep 1995, Bob D'Amato wrote:
> > 6k??? What are you babying it for??? :) Mine isnt even happy unless it 
> > sees 7400.
> I'll get you!!!  :)  You try spinning an 8V 1.8L that is mechanically 
> "stock" and has about 140k miles on it  past 6100.  "You can't get there 
> from here".  Yeah, we don't all have more valves than we know what to do 
> with.  Yeah, yeah, now I'm talkin', yeah...

:) Whattya mean 'more valves than I know what to do with?"!! I know what 
to do with them... Waste mutangs, camaro's  8 VALVE AUDI'S!!! (sorry, had 
to drive the point home here...)
P.s.  Was 'playing' with a vette on the way home tonight.. hint: DONT do 
that in a 20V!! 

:) now if i had the urQ...


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