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Synthetic Oil
> From: "Bob D'Amato" <Bob.Damato@snetel.com>
I want to put in synthetic oil into my 20V this month.. but I have always
> run only dino. When I do the switch, do I have to do anything special?
> Like drain it after 1000 mi or so due to the detergency? Or can I just
> leave it in its full term (6k I think??)
> Also.. which brand is best.. or should I use the blend?
Bob - others have offered some good comments. Since we often
discuss synthetics, let me direct your attention to the Synthetic Oil
FAQ on the Z-car list. **DISCLAIMER: I wrote the synthetic oil FAQ,
so I have a vested interest in believing it's correct. **
Look at: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~snd/z-car
Select the Synthetic Oil section of the FAQs.
This FAQ is much more complete than bandwidth permits in this group -
and includes directions for changing a car to synthetics. Other good
WWW sites are available by searching for "Synthetic Oil", "Amsoil"
and there's one at "Harris Mountaintop" which is good.
Not intended to be a commercial, folks - just that this subject is
discussed often and perhaps others on this list would be interested
in reviewing the material there.
********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) **********
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
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107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Email: a-powell1@tamu.edu
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