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Re: Dino juice

Paul Timmerman wrote:
> I have been running the imparts stopcocks for years,

Won't the drain-valve (stopcock) allow more of the oil (and any gunk)
to stay at the bottom of the pan than with the stock nut? The drain
hole on my '87 5KTQ is on the side of the pan. I haven't seen the
construction of the stopcock, but I would imagine that it would
raise the level of the drain hole somewhat, preventing all of the
oil and more importantly any gunk from draining out completely.

> I think Redline is the way to go with a turbo.  Mobil One is
> still Dino Juice, just modified.  Redline is built up from
> different base stocks, making somewhat unique. Syntec is just wierd.
> My $0.04.

Mobil 1 is not dino juice. It is 100% synthetic oil base. In fact, it was the
first synthetic motor oil to hit the market. I have the Technical Specification
sheets on Mobil 1 (they'll send them free if you call Mobil).
