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Received: by titan4.tpa.cst.titan.com
( id AA20067; Tue, 3 Oct 1995 01:13:20 -0400
From: Kevin Baluha <baluha@titan4.tpa.cst.titan.com>
Return-Path: <baluha@titan4.tpa.cst.titan.com>
Subject: Re: 86 Audi Coupe
To: cope@cml.com (Andrew Jackson)
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 95 1:13:20 EDT
In-Reply-To: <199510030329.XAA01104@inet.cml.com>; from "Andrew Jackson" at Oct 02, 95 11:28 pm
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
compression is lower - braking system is better - cooling system is better
injection sytem has 'features'
exhaust is different.
now if you move the powerplant you might be a little closer.
> I was wondering how easy it would be to add a turbo to my non turbo 86
> coupe. I was wondering if it would be as easy as snapping on a turbo
> from say an 86 Audi 5000? If this question sounds stupid then please
> forgive me. Although I love Audi's to death I'm quite ignorant of thier
> inner workings.
> Spliff@cml.com
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