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Re: Sticky Doors, 5K

Hey guys,

I did lube the door handle fairly throughly, although I didn't take the door
panel off but I did notice a rubber plug on the door jam where you can see
part of the mechanism. I lubed everything including the actual locking part
on the door jam. Now it seemed to work fine. Hopefully it will be ok for a
few months before I sell it to a friend of my who is a mechanic and let him 
fix it. 

I used WD-40, I wonder if it is a bad idea :(

Thanks for all the advise :)


> From: "Richard Klein" <rklein@cris.com>
> To: LToy@aol.com, quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 20:45:54 +0000
> On  1 Oct 95 at 14:44, LToy@aol.com wrote:
> > see, the grease (or oil, or whatever you use as lubricant) tends to attract
> > dust, dirt, grime, etc, and holds it there, to further increase friction and
> > grind away at those parts.  that implies the real solution is to clean it all
> > up, then lightly lubricate.  
> I assume you could use a dry lubricant, like graphite, and avoid 
> attracting dirt.
> > 
> > problem for anthony is, we just described the preventive maintenance--sounds
> > like his door handle is already broken.
> > 
> True.
>    -Rich
>    '85 Audi 5ks
>    '85 El Camino
>     member Teamsters local 486