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Re: What's the "CS" for

In article  Michael Spiers <mikes@specnet.com> writes:
>From: Michael Spiers <mikes@specnet.com>
>Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 10:36:13 -0400
>To: srmcpher <srmcpher@syr.edu>
>Subject: Re: What's the "CS" for
>Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net

>> They are different models with different vin #'s.  The Commerative Series is
>> basicly the same as the 5000s, but it has the deluxe 12 speaker stereo,

>12 speakers?  My TQ only has ten, where are the other two?

>87 5000CS TQ
>84 5000S (2,000 miles away and a mile high)
>90 80 (sibling's mode of transportation I get lynched into working on)

I think the rear speakers are coaxial, while all others are not. 
That makes 12 speakers and ten grilles, So we are both right?? 
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