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Re: Difference bet 4000 S & CS... WAS... What's the "CS" for

*** Resending note of 10/05/95 10:08
From: Jim Fease
      Maplewood, MN
Subject: Re: Difference bet 4000 S & CS... WAS... What's the "CS" for
From: vrona@ix.netcom.com (Steven Verona)
You that I wrote:
>>According to an ex-Audi Service manager, Audi never gave them a real
>>good explanation other than Sedan and Custom Sedan. The real difference
>>was trim. In '86 they changed it to CS from S.
>I have an 86 5000s... not a cs.  What is up with that?!
I talked to an iduA tech yesterday and he confirmed that it really means
..um.. Commemorative Series and the S was Series.
Boy, do I feel like a dunce <:-I
As far as the CS Commemorative series, Ya got me. The difference was
trim being seat inserts and the 10 or 12 speaker (however you interpret
it) sound system.
I suppose it could mean Slow and Chicken Sh**, but I don't think so...
'84 4KSQ - 160K Not pretty, but a gas to drive!
Mine's just an S for slow (compared to you Turbo Jockeys)
Keep the shiny side up...