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Re: Normal Oil Pressure

Graydon D. Stuckey sez:
> 	Since this isn't exactly Audi related, I'll keep it short, but I
> thought you might be interested to know that the Honda F-1 engines run
> about 7-10psi absolute (not gauge) oil pressure.  Meaning, if you poked a 
> hole in the block, air would rush IN.  You would not see oil spurting 
> out!!! 

This is very interesting; a long time ago, I had toyed with the same sort
of idea on a 911 engine: simply use a header tank dirrectly feeding the
galleys, and use two scavenge units to feed the header tank.  (Typical
would be one or two scavenge, 3 pressure, so the scavenge-only approach
could save some hp.)  for road and club use, I figured the (small) gains
wouldn't be worth the risks, but for F1, it is interesting that it works.

(Some potentially large gains also come from the powerful scavenge smoothing
airflow in the crankcase, btw.)

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