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Re: Fixed!!! That wacky Speedo :-)

On  7 Oct 95 at 22:11, Michael LaRosa wrote:

> I've had windshields crack before,  I always thought it was drastic 
> change in temperature that did it.  But this time it was raining when I got
> back from lunch.  When I got back in after work it was still raining, but there
> was a 12-15" crack 3/4 of the way up on the drivers side post, coming down
> about a 30 degree angle.  I have no idea why it cracked.  No signs of a rock
> or anything that might have caused this.
Hmm...  I would've agreed with your first guess - my El Camino 
cracked it's windshield a couple years ago when I turned on the 
defroster in the middle of the winter.  Unfortunately, that does 
little to explain why yours cracked in the rain.

Good luck finding a solution!

   '85 Audi 5ks
   '85 El Camino
    member Teamsters local 486