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Re: 87 4000 Q fuel delivery problem

0. Check 30 Amp fuse for KE-Jetronic system;
   If fuse is blown change it and try to start the car.
   If car does not start, follow next procedures.
1. Remove one or all injectors;
2. Remove rubber duct that connects fuel metering unit and intake manifold;
3. Try to lift air metering plate all the way up and down noting no non-uniform
resistance in both ways. Also make sure that the plate is not constricted at
the bottom of the air tunnel by dust or sand particles. (If this is the case,
your car would not start). Clean as necessary.
4. Remove fuel pump relay and using a "modified" paper clip, jump the relay
socket to power up the pump.
5. Lift the plate and observe spray pattern of removed injectors. It should be
uniform and atomizing for all of them.
6. If plate has so much resistance that there is no possible way to lift it,
then your problems caused by main pressure regulator mounted to the side of
your fuel distributor.

If you decide to perform these steps, you can e-mail me details and I will
diagnose the problem with your system.

Good Luck,

Igor Strashny.

igor@msrbsgi1.mc.duke.edu		Phone:919.684.41.95
strasha@acpub.duke.edu			Fax:  919.681.84.90
Igor Strashny		      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
Box 3093, DUMC, Orhopaedic    (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'  
Bioengineering Laborathory  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'  art by
Durham, NC  27710	   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' Felix Lee