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Re: BE CAREFUL!, getting even?

Ol' uncle Bart.........

Relax....you can choose to agree or disagree with what I say or do.....
bag the name calling though...it's very unbecoming.......If I'm going
75 in the right lane, and a truck moves to within 3-4 feet of my car....
am I provoking????? NO..... If he wants to get a running start up a hill,
or get by me, there's the left lane......I have no problem with a truck 
passing me.........If he just wants to crawl up my ass and endanger my family,
then he risks having my wrath brought down upon him...........I just threw
the mace in there........

As for your statement:

> And besides, if a truck's on yer ass, it's just mother nature's way of telling 
> you that yer drivin like a wuss in the first place; speed up or get over.

is a hypocrisy.....all this talk talk about driving at speeds +100mph to a
newbie is probably even more dangerous, so get off yer high horse....

Tom Leveckis