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	The latest fun project from my '86 5ktq:

	noticed that the % duty was fixed at rich setting at idle.  The O2 sensor was reading >.9vdc.  changes to the wot switch: no change.
Pulling the O2 sensor lead and adjusting the mix screw corrected the rich condition.  Reconnected: same %duty as prior and same as with O2 sensor disconnected.
only when the mixture is made lean does the % duty change and the mix attempted to be maintained correct by the OXS freq valve.  when going rich again the % 
duty would go lean (higher voltage) and control but erratically and eventually
would return to earlier value of approx. 7.8vdc with resultant rich condition.

	Does anyone have a clue about what is going on?

	is it the O2 sensor?
	is it the bad temp gauge 4 pin sensor? (mine is bad)
	is it the OXS freq valve?  it responds to the varying   % duty.
	or, could it be the ECU, Audi Gods forbid!?

