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Re: Windshield Logo

On Tue, 17 Oct 1995, Mike Des Chenes wrote:

>         A few months ago I came across  a nice plastic model kit of a rally
> Audi Quattro sedan. I liked the stylized "Audi Quattro" logo placed on the
> top half of the windshield. I showed it to a friend of mine who owns a
> printing/decal company. He blew up the picture on the model box and produced
> a perfect copy of the logo cut out of white (he can use any color) vinyl. It
> looks grea on my 200 TQ!! If anyone is interested he said he could do them
> for $30.00 each. I'll try and take a photo to put up for downloading.

Ummm... John Buffum's place (Libra Racing) Sells them for $19.95 each. 
Now keep in mind this is old info (several months), price availability 
may vary.


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