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Re: free dealer "clinic"

     "Bad news about your Audi, Dr. Howitt...

     The technician found the frambus was out of adjustment, and normally
     we would reset that for free, but the internal talloid is cracked. We
     happen to have one in stock, it will be $456. plus labor. Of course,
     you wouldn't want to risk the safety of your family..."

     Seriously, what they are saying is "Let us look over you car
     and see what we can find to fix"; for them it is a way of drumming up
     business. If you are uncertain about the condition of your car,
     and can resist the sales pressure at the end, why not. I had a
     mechanic once who finished the task at hand and left behind a lengthy
     laundry list of things to do. I realized they were all preventative
     maintenance, that I could do myself, and so over the next coupla
     weekends, I did.

     Oh and by the way, Jack Daniels Audi?

     Tom F.
     90 200 TQW IA Stage I
     90 Syncro Westie

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Subject: free dealer "clinic"
Date:    10/18/95 10:39 AM

The local dealer (Jack Daniels Audi, Fair Lawn NJ) is offering a free "Fall
Service Clinic" advertised as a "57 point maintenance and safety check".
Is this a gimmick or what?  Do other Audi dealers do this?  Has anyone gone to
one of these?  Is it worth the bother?
Doran Howitt
'89 100Q
IDD Information Services
Livingston, NJ USA
tel 201 740 2605