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A massive apology
It was I who sent the "No subject worth noting" mail that got repeated many
times on the list. I had no intention of anything like that happening and I
apologize for filling your mailboxes with mindless Dave Barry stuff. Here's
what transpired:
We got a new gateway at work that we were told would solve all our Internet
problems. After several successful email sends and replies, I thought I'd
try the Audi list. I sent the Dave Barry column TWO weeks ago! When I
didn't see it on the list, I assumed it was lost in the ether, when in
reality it was reproducing itself in some dark corner of the net and hatching
a fiendish plot. Yesterday, we saw the results. In a particularly cruel
move, it got echoed back to me at work 3 times. Not from the list, but from
me, to me. Weird.
I've learned 2 valuable lessons:
1) NEVER trust anything an MIS person says. In fact, I think I'll do the
opposite just to be safe.
2) NEVER send anything anywhere using our Internet gateway at work.
Now you know why I use AOL - it's cheap and reliable. And it's got lots of
pretty colors.
Again, I apologize for what happened, and feel that the messages sent to me a
work by a number of list members is punishment enough. So please, please,
stop sending them. (Think about this: it two weeks for the message to get
out, but I receive mail immediately. Isn't technology wonderful!)