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RE: Bad vibrations on a 5k...

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, LeDuc, Eugene A. wrote:

> Jeff
> I once had a similar problem, it turned out to be the Tires!  they were 
> actually being slightly flattened as they sat over night!  These were made 
> of a nylon cord(quite a while ago) perhaps some of the new synthetics are 
> doing it again?

Yup, that is what I found as well on mine. Even though you said you 
changed tires, they could be of the same construction. Were they the same 
brand and model tire? Look at the construction of both. In my case the 
rubber was 'hard' and when the tire is cold (and they are still 
considered cold even at 80deg F ambient) they take on the shape they sat 
in overnight. For about a mile they would shake my steering wheel.

One night I put it on jacks, so they werent resting on the tires. It 
didnt happen the next morning, so that proved it to me.


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