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Returned mail: Host unknown

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 cimbra.ans.net (tcp)... 550 Host unknown
554 <quattro-owner@cimbra.ans.net>... 550 Host unknown (Authoritative answer from name server)

   ----- Unsent message follows -----
Return-Path: johkar@eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov
Received: from MHS by eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov with MHS
    id BDDHCLCC ; Thu, 19 Oct 1995 19:56:34 EST
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 19:55:42 +0500 
From: noamjohn@eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov
Subject: Quattro Conversion
To: quattro-owner@cimbra.ans.net
X-Wg-Gmid: -1937583182/374474
X-Wg-Thrid: 1338687661
X-Wg-Rplto: 0/0

We have just purchased a 1990 V8 to replace my wife's 87 5000CST.  We
intended to sell the '87, but the market here in Portland is flat for
non-Quattro Audis.  As we have an '85 4000SQ and an '84 5000SW, it's
been suggested by many that I transplant the turbo motor into the 4000
(the most popular suggestion), or give my wagon some much needed power
through the most straight forward conversion (all 5000T components would
be swapped into the wagon).  Another "conversion" may be possible.  How
hard (aka expensive) would it be to convert the 5000CST into a 5000CSTQ?
Our '87 CST is in excellent shape, with much new parts.  Is this
conversion worth it?  Has anyone in the group done this?  Any info is
greatly appreciated.  I'd hate to sell this car for cheap only to find
the conversion was cost effective and straight forward.
Any comments on the 4000 turbo conversion.  Several people in the NW
Quattro club have done this (thanks for you suggestions guys!), but they
have more patients than I do!
Regards,  John Karasaki