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Re: Eibach ad
glen.powell@smc.com observes:
Gl> As part of the "marketing-slime" establishment I too would like to
Gl> comment on the Eibach "cool/uncool" spring ad. There are a LOT of
Gl> "gold-chain set" types out there that wear their bimmers as one
Gl> would wear a piece of jewelry. The advert in question is targeted at
Gl> this group and I believe the ad is very effective. From the number of
Gl> bimmers, lexi, crapuras, etc out there and looking at the types of
Gl> people that buy and drive them it is plain to see that they FAR
Gl> outnumber the few true automobile enthusiasts and techno-weenies (of
Gl> which I am one). The ad is very effective for the targeted (read
Gl> large majority) market.
Gl> NOI,
You hit the nail right on the head! Yesterday I was looking
at (laughing actually) at a chopped BMW 320, the top had so
much slop in it that it probably could never be driven in
the rain, the body was sagging, it had the chrome/gold plated
wheels, flourescent paint job (including bumpers, door handles
etc.), and a continental spare tire holder on the trunk with a
huge BMW typography on it. I could go on, but I sense some
on here might not have a strong enough stomach.
I spoke to the owner (who thought I was admiring this post
partum abortion of his) and he just couldn't understand how
anyone could own a car like mine. (1990 pearl V8) "Man, like
you gets no flash from that, you should at least get yourself
a Benz for that kind of money. Everybody be up on a Benz." If
there is a God in heaven, one day I'll pass this guy on the
highway, during a thunderstorm with crosswind and enjoy the
sideshow this thing must be when driven.
... A true diplomat struts sitting down.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12