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A/C Compressor
> From: BrettD516@aol.com
> I have a 1987 5000CS Turbo whose A/C compressor has kicked the bucket. While
> it still works(barely), it is incredibly loud and the car shudders every time
> it comes on. I have removed the clutch relay, and I don't think I'll need
> the A/C until late spring, but the mechanic told me that it will cost 600 for
> the compressor(made by AC Delco) and he'll install it for 200 (including
> freon or whatever they're using). This is the third compressor that the car
> has munched, the second because they didn't flush all the metal shavings from
> the first one. This one has lasted for about 3 years. Now, the mech. said
> that Delco guarantees the compressor for 6 months, Audi for about a year. He
> also said that this is a problem with this compressor, and that the new one
> will last 3 years before it has to be replaced. This is slightly rediculous
> to pay 800 bucks every 3 years. Can someone enlighten me to the
> possibilities of get it replaced or some reimbursement? Have other people
> had this same problem, or is my mechanic BSing me?
Brett - I don't like the story you've been told on the parts price.
I did the compressor on an 84 5KT and the Delco compressor from my
local NAPA parts dealer (yes, NAPA had it in 24 hours...) was under
$200. I think he's giving you TOO big a markup. Make some calls and
buy it yourself - take it to him.
OR - why not change it yourself? I honestly don't remember whether I
decided to do the whole job myself or not. Doing the A/C involves the
compressor, the dryer, and a screen which keeps particulates out of
the circulating coolant. As far as I can recall, all are pretty
If the compressor munches, you should have taken it BACK to the
incompetent who did the work and make them pay for it. The screen I
mentioned has the specific job of preventing this deal. It should be
replaced - and the dryer should be replaced - when the compressor is
Of course, it is illegal to vent your coolant into the
atmosphere. Since I would never encourage rampant lawlessness and
chaos, I can only assume that you would do this job yourself if you had
either had a service center remove it - or **maybe it has already
leaked out, nudge, nudge.** What a shame. My sympathy.
Anyone on the list done this job recently? I don't think the $200
labor charge Brett was quoted is unrealistic, as it should work out
to 3-4 hours labor. But I have learned that those Delco compressors
are among the most common and least expensive you can buy!!
********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) ************
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