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Re: More Antifreeze

>On Oct 30,  8:45am, Michael Spiers wrote:
>> Subject: Re: More Antifreeze
>> > I think that the Sierra product uses propylene (sp?) glycol as opposed to
>> > ethelyene glycol. If the product is pure propylene glycol, it is safe to
>> > ingest. However, it seems like there must also be additives that wouldn't
>> > safe.>
>> > I thought that propylene glycol was only usable in high flow,
>> > systems...?

>> blew a water pump three weeks after I put the stuff in."
>> Does this have anything to do with the propylene glycol business?  I'd never
>> heard anything about Sierra, good or bad, so maybe this guy just had bad

I've been running Sierra Coolant in my '91 Golf for about 9 months now, and
while I've had unrelated cooling system problems (impact damage to the
radiator) I've found that the car generally runs cooler than it used to.
Prior to the first installation, I completely flushed the cooling system
with clear water (complete drain, refill w/ water, drive it up and down the
highway to get the thermostat to open, drain again, repeat once)

I'm very happy with the results I've had!
JBLewis                                    +---/ /|
PC Systems Support                         |  / / |
zande@bronze.coil.com                      | / /  |
                                           |/ /---+ R.D.Zande & Associates, Inc.