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Stereo Upgrades
Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
Well, me being the practical person I am have installed a new stereo
in my 86 4000CS Quattro before attending to some of the mechanical
needs of the vehicle.
Anyway, I installed a JVC CD player (which fit very nicely), two 5"
Pioneer coaxials in the back deck (which fit nicely), an 80 watt amp
in the glove box (which fit very nicely), and a powered 6.5" sub
woofer tube in the trunk.
All of this went in with absolutely no new cutting or changes to
the cars interior. However, the speakers in the dash are not able
to handle the power of the deck, so I want to replace them.
But crutchfield tells me I can't because they are one piece (in that
the grill is attached to the speaker).
Has anyone did anything in this arena? Could you describe to me
what you did, and where you cut.