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Re: Rofren Pads???
>I called him just now; he says that 1) the pads were great, car stopped on
>a dime;
Yep they do they have a higer cf than MM or any other Semi-Met or Organic Pad
>2) the pads ate rotors quickly, and were expensive to boot;
Once again the Rotors are Cheap and so are the pads in the long run $160
for a set
>3) the pads generated mass quantities of dust;
Yes they do, But it's a small price to pay for the WAY improved performance.
> and 4) the dust was extremely difficult to impossible to remove, and
>permanently bonded to his wheels. He tried lots of different cleaners,etc.
Hmmmm soap and water get's my dust off, how about yours Scott? Now if
you use some of these cleaners on a hot wheel your going to have trouble.
Read the label on the wheel cleaners, even the "Safe for xxxx" cleaners
tell you spray it on and get it off of a cool wheel in less than 1 Min.
Eric Fletcher
STEADI RIC@aol.com