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Driver's side visor

The driver's side sunvisor keeps coming down on my 87 5kCST.  It is
incredibly annoying, and putting it to the side blocks part of my peripheral
vision and makes getting out of the car a challenge.  I've tried
everything-even velcro-and the adhesive keeps coming off.
I finally had it with the thing, so I unscrewed it and tried to disassemble
it.  It turns out that the rod that it rotates on looks like this:
  ( )
(Two flat sides parallel to each other)
A clip spring presses against the rod, and snap over the flat sides to make
the visor flip up and stay in position. A white chalky-grease-type stuff adds
resistance, I guess. I tried compressing the clip spring by prying two
screwdrivers under each edge of the spring, and then squeezing it qith
vise-grips.  It worked-for about 1 minute.
I'VE HAD IT!  How much to the suckers cost-or does anybody have a suggestion?
 Velcro does NOT work.
PS:My headliner is starting to peel off the roof.  You can sort of press it
back, but it peels off again if it is even slightly pulled.  Is there some
stuff that's made for the purpose of re-attaching the roof cloth?

Brett Dikeman