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Re: CS injector


YES, the CS is a peak and hold at 12v  ----  HOWEVER

I have tried to use the cold start valve a few years ago for fuel enrichment,
and found out there are more than a few reasons why you shouldn't, from
practical experience, then asking/reading:

1)  In it's original location, you will get lots of enrichment at the rear
1/2 runners, the fuel never makes it to the other runners....  This messes up
the lambda circuit as well....  Cuz you will run lean on the other 3 cyl

2)  In ANY location (tried from the t-body rearward)  you get stumbling and
more prollums than you want......  I found out later from my connection at
Bosch that the CS injector really has no spray pattern similar to the port
injectors, it's job is to dump raw fuel for 3sec into your intake, and for
that it is a great tool

3)  You are much better off using either the injector that Callaway
recommends OR using a electronic injector OR using some system