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Re: Brakes - Jesse & Tom
> From: "Al Powell" <APOWELL@agcom.tamu.edu>
> Organization: TAMU Agricultural Communications
> Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 13:17:16 CDT
> Reply-to: a-powell1@tamu.edu
> Priority: normal
> About Tom's posting on parts cost -
> $300 is more than you should have had to pay for a PA - they are
> available for less than that if you shop the vendor list.
> > I just checked this morning as my car has begun to buzz and flash the
> > brake warning in the mornings, this is the bomb, yezz? It also came on
> > when I was waiting for the train to pass and I pumped hard on the
> > brake about 12 times with the engine at idle.
> Am I confused? I thought you had already replaced the bomb. If
> so...........
No, I haven't replaced it. I seriously doubt that it is the culprit. I
checked this morning and I got a good 80 hard pumps before the pedal
got stiff. This after the car had been sitting idle all night.
The light comes on also after a few (2 - 4) good rocks on the steering
> It could be another component - perhaps the hydraulic pump. I'm
> beginning to think they often mask each other's symptoms, and that
> perhaps some of the PAs replaced are actually due to bad pumps. If
> it's the pump, pressing repeatedly on the brake pedal keeps the
> pressure low and will keep the warning light on. Try running the
> engine with the brake off, and see if the light goes off - and
> whether a quick pump or two on the brake makes it light up again.
Around 10 - 12 good pumps with the engine at idle.
> > My VAG dealer wants SEK 4.5K (~ US$ 700)!
> For what part? The hydraulic pump? If so, WAY too much. You can
> get one rebuilt for under $200.
> >
Naw, for the PA. The last time I had a rebuilt pump it was around SEK
2.5K (~US $ 385) that was a few years back.
> > My temp gauge sender is also flaky, SEK 875 (~ US$ 135)!
> > How much are these at Carlsens?
> >
> > Thomas
> Also try AudiOnly in Denver, 800/962-1902. Peter is a nice person to
> deal with.
> PS: I'm waiting for a new supply of lifeblood (Pentosin) from
> AudiOnly (for about $8 per liter!). When I get it, I will replace my
> hydraulic pump. I have made my own pressure gauge to replace Audi
> part #1441 and will post about the four-month diagnostic process I've
> done - but I want that stuipd pump to be in place and be 100% sure the
> problem is finally dead, with a stake thru its heart!!
I bought a liter yesterday at SEK 163 (~ US $ 25) ...