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Re: Audi A4=VW Passat=Mercedes?

On Tue, 7 Nov 1995 AUDIONLY@aol.com wrote:

>           I just went to Dinner with a couple of Audi engineers who told me
> some interesting news concerning Volkswagons new Passat. It will be built on
> the same platform as the Audi A-4 and will have the Audi engine in it instead
> of the Volkswagon VR-6.............The reason being that VW has signed
> contracts to provide the VR-6 to Mercedes (with a Mercedes valve cover) and
> the factory that produces the engines does not have enough capacity to supply
> the VW Passat......Bottom line is you can have the same platform in three
> different styles.......The Audi A-4; the Volkwagon Passat; or the Mercedes
> ?????

Seems to me that for mercedes, getting engines from VW, is like getting 
body parts from chevy.  Although both  good they are worlds apart.


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