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the ultimate toy
- To: quattro list <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
- Subject: the ultimate toy
- From: Dave Eaton <dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz>
- Date: Thu, 09 Nov 1995 14:32:32 -1200
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i was dreaming coming into work this morning about the ultimate audi collection
(no surprises so far :-))
obviously i thought immediately of a sport quattro. but then, you wouldn't
really use it would you? i mean it'd have to sit in the garage, be carefully
looked after, not too many miles on it etc. etc. simply because it's such an
expensive wee toy. 70k usd.
so, how about a 20v urq which you'd modify with 18" wheels, the alcon alloy
disks, uprate the engine to 300-350hp, tweak the suspension etc.
then you'd want an s2 to run around in, and leave the urq for the week-ends.
or would you do it around the other way?
any thoughts? i'm reasonably serious about this because i've been keeping an
eye out for 20v urq's in the uk and a reasonably high mileage example is now
less than 15k pounds. it makes you think...