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RE: '88 5kCSTQ Brake???

>Subj:	'88 5kCSTQ Brake???

>One more thing about brakes... It snowed here 2 days ago and I noticed one
>more thing... in situations where ABS would be effective, the brakes
>make a lot of noise -- like the pads were very rough and were grinding,
>I also feel a jerk on the brake pedal. This does not happen if I switch the
>ABS off. Also, The malfunction (?) of the ABS I mentioned b4 (ABS switching
>itself off suddenly) has increased a lot and now the ABS gets switched off
>every now and then. I have a wild imagination about this thing -- could it be 
>that there is some problem with the brakes, and so the ABS cannot
>perform properly (the grinding etc) and the system realizes this, so
>it shuts ABS off, trying to do the best it can...
>Any suggestions/comments ??

Hi Vinod,

	I think what you are calling a "grinding" noise and a "jerk" in the
brake pedal are the normal occurances when the ABS works. That "grinding"
errrrrr noise is the very rapid pulsation of ABS unit controlling pressure to
the brakes and the "jerk" in the pedal is what your foot feels when this
happens. Well, that my opinion! If I'm wrong then my '87 has the same problem
as your '88, except my ABS stays on until I turn it off. My brother's '93
Prelude made a real roaring sound when the ABS activated; my Audi just goes:



 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-792-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
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 T             QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!                 T
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