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Re: Fuel pump blowing fuses !!!
At 21:00 11/15/95 EST, Richard_gann@mail.amsinc.com wrote:
// Greetings all,
// just went for a deluxe car wash at Amoco and now my damn fuel pump
// is blowing fuses and I stuck here at work. I'll let it dry and try it
// in the morning. Is it possible for the car wash to cause this short or
// is it just a coincidence I did check the current to the fuel pump a
// month or two ago and it was in spec. The car has 155k on it and I
// don't know if the thing has been replaced as I'm not the original
// owner. Any suggestions ?
I had a similar problem on my 1986 Quantum Syncro about a year ago. The
problem was intermittent, and we could never catch the "short" when we had
instruments. We finally found out the problem was caused by a 3 wire oxygen
sensor (all the diagrams from the Bentley show a 2 wire sensor...) The cable
was not properly attached under the car and was rubbing, up to the point
where it had no insulation left.
I do not know if the 4000 has a similar wiring, but it may be worth a try.
// Thanks
// Richard Gann
// 4000s 1.8l 155k and pretty pissed !!!!
// PS maybe I could get Amoco to replace the damn thing !!!!!
Frederic Gittler
'94 Audi S4 Quattro
'91 Toyota Previa LE All Trac
'86 Volkswagen Quantum Syncro