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Re: high mileage

> Just curious, with all this talk about clutch longevity, about the life
> of an Audi 5 cylinder.......
> What's the most mileage anyone has got out of a 5 before pulling the head
> or/and major rebuild??  I'm at almost 105k and still have good
> compression/leak down in all 5 pots.  Is 200k out of the question??

My '84 has around 210,000 on it, motor runs like a dream.  Original clutch too!
 Most of the 5000's I seee in the yards all still have the motors in 'em.  I
believe this means that there really isn't a demand for 'em. 'cuz they last

87 5000CS TQ
84 5000S (2,000 miles away and a mile high)
90 80 (sibling's mode of transportation I get lynched into working on)