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Re: Audi's Cure for the Ignition wired/not wired radio
> i bet it will be almost impossible to find someone who knows how to do
> this, but i will file it for future reference.
> > >what i would like to see is a radio that worked the way the one in my 82
> > porsche 924 worked. this was before antennas in the windshield, but all
> > you had to do was touch the key to the ignition (not even push it all the
> > way in or turn it) and the power antenna would go up and the radio come
> > on. i've asked a couple of mechanics how this was done and they never
> > could give a good explaination.<
;Audis and VWs have switches inside the ignition that detect
;when a key is inserted. They use it to do things like: ring that
;stupid bell when you open the door, turn on interior lights when
;you remove the key, and (even) power the radio on some VWs.
;If you look through a Bentley, you should see a small power bus
;that is "on when key inserted". It won't handle much load, so you
;may need a relay to drive a stereo.
That's funny. I modified the power to my radio in my old 4000 this way
because I thought it was cool how my dad's 944 did it. You are right.
There is a switch in the key assembly that puts 12V on one of the wires when
the key is inserted. You'll need a bentley manual to find the right one, or
you could just test each one with a voltmeter. I had a 50W radio and it
worked just fine (amperage wise).
Plus, I cut the wire to the buzzer...two improvements in one.
- Mitch