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Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 20:12:55 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199511190112.UAA12240@coimbra.ans.net>
To: quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: Quattro Digest V2 #573
Reply-To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Sender: quattro-digest-owner@coimbra.ans.net
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Quattro Digest Saturday, 18 November 1995 Volume 02 : Numbe=
r 573
In this issue:
Rear Fog Lights (was Rear Lights)
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Re: DRL - Bright idea - not
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
audi 80 quattro, 1989
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Re: more Audi vs. BMW
Daylight headlight use - suggestion
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
DRLs/Rear fog ligjts
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Wheres the beef?
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
re: radios
Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Tire vs Wheel width?
FS: '85 4k trunk lid
yo! (fwd)
1983 Turbo Quattro Coupe FOR SALE!
*Full-time headlamps stupid!
A4 Test Drive
RE: foglights
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From: "Tom Forhan" <TFORHAN@hr.house.gov>
Date: 16 Nov 1995 09:08:09 EST
Subject: Rear Fog Lights (was Rear Lights)
While we are on the subject, just what is that switch on my dash
supposed to do? I know European spec cars are required to have these=
to reduce the risk of rear ending in low
visibility...but what are they - brighter red (running) lights?
I see no difference at night - are they just for daytime use (never
looked at them in daylight with the switch on...) or did US spec car=
get the switch but no groovy lights, thanks to the DOT?
Tom F.
90 200 TQW IA Stage I
90 Syncro Westie
From: AUDIONLY@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 09:36:19 -0500
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
In a message dated 95-11-18 02:31:38 EST, GY3WSX@UNIVSCVM.CSD.SCAROLINA.E=
(Daniel Hussey) writes:
> Sorry, but I've seen this DRL subject here a few times, and I had=
>give my opinion. Sorry if I called you cheesey or for offending anyone.=
> Later,
> Dan =
I disagree..........I have driven many an expensive exotics and crotch
rockets and wouldn't think of driving them in the daytime without the
headlights on.......I want to make d**n sure people see me coming before
changing lanes or making a left hand turn; etc. etc. I readily admit tha=
t I
don't go out and turn my headlights on in my Audi in the morning but I th=
all would agree that when looking in your rear view mirror, you notice an=
are more aware of a car with it's lights on then off. (especially the one=
that flash back and forth!!!)
As for the intrusion of your civil rights of life, liberty, and the pursu=
of happiness.........You may not have to worry to much longer......I've r=
somewhere that our appointed "leaders" (read shmucks where I come from) =
beginning to shut down our government and OSHA was one of the first to go=
Maybe Transportation will be next....
My $.02.
- -----peter
If your issue is the forcing of the DRL's on the motoring public
From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 10:35:44 -0500
Subject: Re: DRL - Bright idea - not
In a message dated 95-11-18 09:58:11 EST, you write:
>If your issue is the forcing of the DRL's on the motoring public
=2E... Sound thinkin, and sounds like you have some two wheeld interests=
too...... I agree that the headlights on motorcycles is a good mandatory=
thing (84 FJ1100, 4 mikunis, 155hp, 14k miles parts runner in my garage,
headlights on), but the DRL for cars, I have to ask the why question.....=
kinda laughed that maybe the originator of the GM intiation of this DOT
request was from the Delco Alternator division...... Hmmmmm.....
From: Jeremy R King <kingjer@eng.auburn.edu>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 10:25:47 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
I was trying to avoid the subject, but.......
Comment on our society:
You know, it's only my opinion, but I feel that if the government of the =
USA spent more time and money teaching people HOW TO DRIVE and less time =
trying legislate mandatory safety features that protect people in =
accidents we might just be better off. I do realize that accidents are =
just that - accidental. They do happen. But I feel they would happen a =
LOT less frequently if people were TAUGHT to drive with the other guy in =
mind. The rest of y'all know what I'm talking about. You can tell the =
drivers from the "get there" folks. Drivers do things like:
1. use signals for lane changes and turns
2. flick lights to let someone over on the interstate
3. stay in the right lane AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
4. speed up to get on over if clogging the left lane
5. make sure their car stays in good shape
6. look for oncoming headlights so they can turn off
their high beams before the other car gets blinded
7. adjust fog lights to correct level
8. keep track of traffic in rear view mirror
You get the idea. Any other drivers out there? OK, enough social =
Stuff like air bags - sure they do a great job, and with the new Audi =
Sport steering wheel, they're unobtrusive. But come on, daytime running =
lights?!!! Next thing you know they'll be putting speed governors on our=
cars. Why aren't anti-lock brakes mandatory? It's because they're too =
expensive. I don't believe in running parking lights on the road either =
(it's a different story for y'all with nice factory fogs). When the sun =
starts to go and visibility gets funny, my low beams come on. Also, if =
I'm taking a long trip (3 + hours) I'll run my low beams, because I'm =
gonna be on the interstate for a long time. But I reach over and flip a =
switch. I agree with Daniel that headlights in the day aren't =
intrinsically a bad idea. But why can't we just reach over and flip the =
switch. Really headlights are really dumb-looking in bright sunshine. =
Again, if you train people to turn headlights on when visibility is low, =
you've served the purpose and made those people a little more aware of =
what's going on around them. Ultimately, I (as a driver) am in control =
of my car. It's possible that "get there" folks will take comfort in the=
fact that they have anti-lock brakes, air bags everywhere (roof?), =
daytime running lights, etc, etc and actually be much less concerned =
with what's going on around them. =
Jeremy R. King
1986 VW Quantum GL5
Audi at Heart
On Sat, 18 Nov 1995, Daniel Hussey wrote:
> OK, am I the only one here that thinks that driving around in the=
> with your headlamps on is stupid? I don't think I'm the only one. I =
> I'm not really against DRLs so much as not having the option of turning=
them of
> f....I think that is stupid! What if I don't want them on....tough luc=
k, huh?
> Another stupid safety feature imposed on us. GM now uses them in all t=
hier che
> esy cars and all those cheesy people use them.
From: Thomas Neece <fritz@best.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 95 09:43:22 -0800
Subject: audi 80 quattro, 1989
plese would someone please give me an avaluation of an Audi 80 Quattro, 1=
989. Is it a good =
reliable car? etc. How much should one pay for this particular model?
From: es61@prism.gatech.edu (Eric Schumacher)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 12:48:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Eric> =
> I was trying to avoid the subject, but....... > > Comment on our
society: > You know, it's only my opinion, but I feel that if the
government of the > USA spent more time and money teaching people HOW TO
DRIVE and less time > trying legislate mandatory safety features that
protect people in > accidents we might just be better off. I do realize
that accidents are > just that - accidental. They do happen. But I feel=
they would happen a > LOT less frequently if people were TAUGHT to drive
with the other guy in > mind. The rest of y'all know what I'm talking
about. You can tell the > drivers from the "get there" folks. Drivers d=
things like: > 1. use signals for lane changes and turns > 2. flick light=
to let someone over on the interstate > 3. stay in the right lane AS MUCH=
AS POSSIBLE > 4. speed up to get on over if clogging the left lane > 5.
make sure their car stays in good shape > 6. look for oncoming headlights=
so they can turn off > their high beams before the other car gets blinded=
> 7. adjust fog lights to correct level > 8. keep track of traffic in rea=
view mirror > You get the idea. Any other drivers out there? OK, enough=
social > commentary. > > Stuff like air bags - sure they do a great job,
and with the new Audi > Sport steering wheel, they're unobtrusive. But
come on, daytime running > lights?!!! Next thing you know they'll be
putting speed governors on our > cars. Why aren't anti-lock brakes
mandatory? It's because they're too > expensive. I don't believe in
running parking lights on the road either > (it's a different story for
y'all with nice factory fogs). When the sun > starts to go and visibilit=
gets funny, my low beams come on. Also, if > I'm taking a long trip (3 +=
hours) I'll run my low beams, because I'm > gonna be on the interstate fo=
a long time. But I reach over and flip a > switch. I agree with Daniel
that headlights in the day aren't > intrinsically a bad idea. But why
can't we just reach over and flip the > switch. Really headlights are
really dumb-looking in bright sunshine. > Again, if you train people to
turn headlights on when visibility is low, > you've served the purpose an=
made those people a little more aware of > what's going on around them. =
Ultimately, I (as a driver) am in control > of my car. It's possible tha=
"get there" folks will take comfort in the > fact that they have anti-loc=
brakes, air bags everywhere (roof?), > daytime running lights, etc, etc
and actually be much less concerned > with what's going on around them. =
> Jeremy R. King > 1986 VW Quantum GL5 > Audi at Heart > > On Sat, 18 Nov=
1995, Daniel Hussey wrote: > > > OK, am I the only one here that thinks
that driving around in the daytime > > with your headlamps on is stupid? =
I don't think I'm the only one. I guess > > I'm not really against DRLs
so much as not having the option of turning them of > > f....I think that=
is stupid! What if I don't want them on....tough luck, huh? > > Another
stupid safety feature imposed on us. GM now uses them in all thier che >=
> esy cars and all those cheesy people use them.
> =
From: BrettD516@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 12:49:32 -0500
Subject: Re: more Audi vs. BMW
I guess it varies with person to person. I'm pretty impressed with how w=
my audi is holding up-it's a 5kcst, 1987(with about 110k miles)-although =
air conditioning pump just went for the third time, and 2-3 minor
accidents(not under me!), we've never had a really big problem with it.S=
looks great after a wash :) -and it has a lot of nice features you didn't=
at all in 1987 cars-and some you still don't today.
What else would you expect?
Brett Dikeman
'87 5kCST
From: es61@prism.gatech.edu (Eric Schumacher)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 12:51:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Daylight headlight use - suggestion
In many cities, lanes switch direction with traffic flow (i.e. with rush
hour needs). I think this is a great idea. If you ever drive in the
reversible ("suicide") lane, USE YOUR HEADLIGHTS. This practice has save=
by butt more than once from a driver that thought the lane was for turnin=
From: BrettD516@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 13:08:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Daytime running lights are becoming more and more popular, and some of th=
are annoying-especially the new GM car-its daytime running lights are sup=
bright-I think they just leave the high beams on all the time or
something-but it is very distracting. On most other cars, like the new
volvo's, I don't notice it as much. I guess it's just another one of tho=
things you'll have to get used to. Remember, most truckers leave their
lights on too-they figured out it was safer long before any of the auto
companies did!
Brett Dikeman
'87 5kCST
From: BrettD516@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 13:19:42 -0500
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
I guess DOT figured what most people realize- americans in general are
stupid, especially at driving. You can instantly tell how big someone's =
is by the way they drive. Some people feel extremely uncomfortable behin=
another car(perhaps rightly so)-When I took my road test, the officer tol=
me-"there are a lot strange kooks out there that you gotta watch out for=
Most new drivers I know are much better drivers that older, "more
expericenced" drivers out there- they follow the rules, signal, usually d=
try stupid stunts or try to squeeze into places they don't belong.
Back onto headlights...
Having daytime running lights isn't too bad on our volvo, and on most car=
if you read the manual, there are instructions on how to turn off the DRL=
On our volvo, there is a small screw that you turn to disable the DRL's.=
The manual does say that the canadian version does not have this screw.
How much gas does leaving your lights on comsume? Anybody have a MPG fig=
Brett Dikeman
From: JGriffJ@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 13:42:07 -0500
Subject: DRLs/Rear fog ligjts
Here's another thought:
Why didn't they just tie these DRLs into a photelectric eye that turns th=
on when light conditions demand it? They have put these on cars (ie
Cadillacs, Lincolns, etc..) for years, and they work well. In fact, they
still put them on these cars. Why isn't this mandatory? It makes a lot of=
sense (maybe that's why - it makes too much sense?)
And I can't believe that it is because the little photelectric sensor is =
(Hmmmm. Maybe I could market something like this to all those with DRLs..=
Also, as far as the rear fog lights go. I agree that most Americans don't=
know what they are for...(I didn't for the longest time... until I read a=
them... and when I bought my Audi). And like most things here with U.S.
drivers... you get the ignorant ones and the rude ones... abusing the stu=
etc... I agree with the post re: more/better education for U.S. drivers..=
passive safety is good... but a more educated driver who can DRIVE the ca=
r is
Question re: the rear fog lights: My '92 100S has only one on the left, a=
its supposed to. But I would like to have two of them (I prefer symmetry.=
and of course, if there is to be only one, why didn't they put it in the
center?). I have not yet looked inside the taillight cluster... and I'm s=
if I did I might find the answer.. but since we are on the subject...
Does anyone know if I can just wire in a bulb (in series?) to the other s=
in the same position on the right in the tailight cluster? If I do this, =
I start a chain reaction and begin an electrical tidal wave of destructio=
Do I need to put in an in-line fuse somewhere.. or a relay or something? =
anyone tried this? =
I would appreciate any help. All you electrical gurus out there must have=
answer :-)
Jim Griffin
92 100S
Titanium Grey/Black Leather
A ccelerate U nless Death is I mminent
From: "Psychos 'R Us" <honge@creighton.edu>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 13:02:14 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
I think getting driver's license should be a previledge -- not a right. =
Of course, that's very unrealistic. THe current test needed to get a =
driving licence favors people who are docile and clueless -- just the way=
the politicians like it. I remembered my first test to get the license =
was darn easy, but I found the renewals are becoming harder and harder to=
obtain as I get more driving experience (actually, not harder per se but =
the what stupid comments those idiots sitting next to you give. Like =
"You're turing the corner too fast." Huh?). Doh.
From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 14:09:34 -0500
Subject: Wheres the beef?
In a message dated 95-11-18 13:58:53 EST, you write:
>Question re: the rear fog lights: My '92 100S has only one on the left, =
>its supposed to. But I would like to have two of them (I prefer symmetry=
>and of course, if there is to be only one, why didn't they put it in the=
>center?). I have not yet looked inside the taillight cluster... and I'm =
>if I did I might find the answer.. but since we are on the subject...
The reason the fog is on the left is so that an overtaking vehicle, and w=
talking autobahn fog here (that is when it is seen) knows where (and
consistantly) the left side of the car is.... Some of the cars that go
to/from the English shores have them on both sides to make the overtaking=
vehicle aware in both lanes, the right and the other.....
>Does anyone know if I can just wire in a bulb (in series?) to the other =
>in the same position on the right in the tailight cluster? If I do this,=
>I start a chain reaction and begin an electrical tidal wave of destructi=
>Do I need to put in an in-line fuse somewhere.. or a relay or something?=
>anyone tried this? =
BTDT...... Heat is a big factor, and without the proper attention to tha=
heat, the bulb will melt the tail assbly...... If you look at the fog on=
your car, you will see a crome reflector behind it....... I don't think
there is an easy way to make that install on the right side...... And, i=
fact, you will notice that the fog bulb has a different circuit alltogeth=
than the right assbly..... The fog lights in a symetrical config in the
rear, could be defeating the whole purpose of having one, even my wife th=
the brakes are stuck on in those jaguars.....
>I would appreciate any help. All you electrical gurus out there must hav=
e an
>answer :-)
It can be done, but given the pain and possible expensive screw up, the w=
question comes to mind....
From: es61@prism.gatech.edu (Eric Schumacher)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 14:24:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
Eric Schumacher
es61@prism.gatech.edu> =
> I think getting driver's license should be a previledge -- not a right.=
> Of course, that's very unrealistic. THe current test needed to get a =
> driving licence favors people who are docile and clueless -- just the w=
ay =
> the politicians like it. I remembered my first test to get the license =
> was darn easy, but I found the renewals are becoming harder and harder =
to =
> obtain as I get more driving experience (actually, not harder per se bu=
t =
> the what stupid comments those idiots sitting next to you give. Like =
> "You're turing the corner too fast." Huh?). Doh.
> =
From: Joe Yakubik <75363.2524@compuserve.com>
Date: 18 Nov 95 15:00:05 EST
Subject: re: radios
From: Joe Yakubik
Subject: radios
There is a difference between the radio running with the key in and out. =
VW's also have this feature. It was described in the April '92 issue of=
european car on p.108. They also described how it was done and how to do=
it to
other cars in another issue (plus/minus three months or so, maybe). I d=
id a
cursory search, but couldn't find it. I think you had to have a type III=
electrical system or something like that to make it work, and of course, =
right radio.
Joe Yakubik
91 200 20vTQ
It's awful quiet in the garage, too.
From: Joe Yakubik <75363.2524@compuserve.com>
Date: 18 Nov 95 15:00:21 EST
Subject: re:lights/switches
From: Joe Yakubik
subject: lights
To jump into the DRL/fog light/ lights-on thread:
Canadian models do have DRLs (at least according to Bentley). In the 89-=
100-200 Bentley manual, there is a subsection that shows how they are wi=
it's different than the American models in a couple ways: one significan=
difference I see is in the light switch. It has several more positions w=
run things like DRLs. BTW this Canadian section is the only place I've s=
een the
mention of front fog lights in this manual. Unfortunately, it is also in=
- - the pin numbers for the relay on p. 714 are wrong. There is an int=
connection between relay position 11 on the top of the fuse box and pin n=
75N on the bottom. Relay position 13 is hard wired to fuse #1 as depicte=
d in
the rear fog light section. Another aside: The factory install (or at le=
ast the
dealer install) in Europe does not use a relay, but routes all fog light =
through the rear fog light switch. I know this because my car is current=
sitting in the garage, hood up, guts hanging. I felt three lights drawin=
current was a little too much for one lonely rear fog light switch, but I=
want wires and relays all over the place, so I'm installing front fog lig=
hts the
way I think they should have been installed; while simultaneously attempt=
ing to
keep the factory relay and fuse postions and make it legal. =
I have not found a three position (off/front/rear) fog light switch for t=
he late
model 100/200. The factory has a separate switch for the front and rear.=
For a
clean install with the factory switch you might have to change the switch=
from the five switch bracket to the nine switch bracket (if applicable). =
nine switch bracket is standard in Europe because the headlights are also=
adjustable in the car (switch) and the Hazards are mounted on the center =
(another switch). These take the place of the coin holder. Its a lot of=
for adding fog lights.
(long winded, I know)
On usage: There are countries where DRLs are mandatory: Sweden, Luxembour=
maybe others. The really, really dim beams that come on with the first s=
detent are not DRLs. They are parking lights and are (I think) a kind of=
bastardized mix between Euro and USA models. In Germany it is legal (and=
sometimes necessary) to park half on the road and half on the sidewalk. =
would, naturally, be dangerous at night. On some European cars (not just =
you can selectively turn these on (parked on the right shoulder, left par=
lights, front and rear, on; left shoulder, vice versa). This way, oncomin=
traffic has a little more warning. In their US version they don't (opini=
here) have a lot of use. BTW, some insurance companies (USAA, for one) g=
ive an
insurance break for DRL equipped cars.
Joe Yakubik
91 200 20vTQ
It's cold and dark in the garage.
From: rdh@sli.com (Robert D. Houk)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 95 15:32:33 EST
Subject: Re: Full-time headlamps stupid!
I think getting driver's license should be a previledge -- not a right=
=2E =
Of course, that's very unrealistic. THe current test needed to get a =
That is highly realistic, 'cuz the State has decreed exactly that --
driving on the public roads is a Privilege, which the State feels free
to quote-Regulate-unquote any way They damn well feel like. They can
pull your license at will, or grant it at will.
So don't worry, you won't have to take any responsibility, you are suf-
fered at the discretion of the State.
From: sk0ph@cadvision.com (Perci Hala & Sandra Krystalowich)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 95 14:06:08 MST
Subject: Tire vs Wheel width?
Hi. Anybody have a rule of thumb of tire width to wheel width? If I
have a 16" wheel that is 8" wide, what range of rubber width makes
sense? optimal?
Perci Hala
Aud! S4 =
From: AUDIDUDI@delphi.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 16:42:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: FS: '85 4k trunk lid
I've decided I'm going to use an '81 trunk lid on my '85 4k racecar (it's=
few pounds lighter) and mounted the center light panel to it using a coup=
of aluminum straps. If you're looking to buy an '85 trunk lid, I'm willi=
to sell mine ... give me a call at (602) 860-2720 and make me an offer.
_ _ =
/ l l o l \ l o AudiDudi@delphi.com
/__l l l / l l =3D l l l l / l l Jeffrey Goggin
/ l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l Scottsdale, Arizona
From: "Bob D'Amato" <Bob.Damato@snetel.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 16:51:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: yo! (fwd)
Again... please answer him directly.. thanks!
___ __ ___ ___ __ =
/ _ )___ / / / _ \/ _ | __ _ ___ _/ /____ =
/ _ / _ \/ _ \ / // / __ |/ ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
/____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
bob.damato@snetel.com |Phone:203.771.7081
|Fax: 203.773.3398
The Southern New England Telephone Co. |Pager: Yeah, Right...
300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
Information & Technology Center =
Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 9 Nov 95 18:51:47 +0200
From: Repo Jyrki <jyrki.repo@juuso.hamkk.fi>
To: bob.damato@snetel.com
Subject: yo!
Yo again!
I'm Jyrki Repo from finland and i'm looking for a 80's turbo quattro(even=
wrecked) from germany or elsewhere in mainland or Britain.
I thought that you might be able to help me. I might also be interested a=
bout =
racing parts to this particular car.
toivottavasti vastailet!
(hope you'll notice me)
or just mail:
Oula Hinkkanen(a friend owning a -85 turbo coupe)
Simpeleentie 40
From: bruceh@garlic.com (Bruce Hochuli (Ventana Computer Corp.))
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 15:42:03 -0800 (PST)
Subject: 1983 Turbo Quattro Coupe FOR SALE!
1983 Quattro Coupe (1982 build)
132 Kmiles
Silver with Velour Interior
Sunroof, rear wiper
Engine: Shrick 272 cam, =
custom intercooler (about 3X stock)
custom oil cooler (about 2X stock)
ABT modified computer,
adjustable boost,
new head and valves,
somewhere around 250 hp according to the ABT literature
of the time.
Suspension: Eibach variable rate springs,
Koni sport shocks,
Ronal 15X8 R-8,
P215-50 Pirelli P7s
Other: ABT Instrument cluster with:
Oil pressure
Oil temperature
Water temperature
Clarion AM-FM Cassette with:
6 disk CD changer in trunk
ADS powerplate speakers in rear deck with 100 watt amp.
Alpine mids in doors, highs in dash with 150 watt amp.
Altec Lansing sub woofer in rear deck with 40 watt amp.
Hella Euro headlights with 80/100 bulbs
Passport radar detector at headliner, wired to ignition.
Bosch Fog lights with 100 watt bulbs and stock fog light switch
Seat Heater switch (no seat heaters, just didn't like the
empty spot.)
California car, no rust, excellent body, Some paint fade at
bumpers. No dents, insignificant dings. Original
owner (purchased July 1983). Not raced or pounded.
Professionally maintained by the same shop for the
last 8 years and by the dealer before that.
Bad Stuff: The cruise control hasn't worked for the last 10 years. I don'=
think of this as a cruise control kind of car.
The power windows are slow, very slow.
I would like to sell this car for $8000.00 but could bend if it
doesn't move in a month. This car has been a beloved toy for years
and I feel like I have done everything possible with it. I am
looking for something more practical now.
I traverse the Bay area, Gilroy to Palo Alto often so the car is
easy to see in the Bay Area.
Bruce Hochuli
408-842-2763 or respond to this account (bruceh@garlic.com).
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 95 18:46:38 EST
Subject: *Full-time headlamps stupid!
On Nov. 18, 1995, Psychos 'R Us wrote:
> was darn easy, but I found the renewals are becoming harder and harder=
> obtain as I get more driving experience (actually, not harder per se b=
> the what stupid comments those idiots sitting next to you give. Like
> "You're turning the corner too fast." Huh?). Doh!
Was that a Homer Simpson "Doh!"? I think I've done this once or=
=2E..the doh! that is.
Yea, wouldn't you just love to show that person who's giving you=
the t
est (and grading it, while they sit in the passenger seat) just how fast =
you ca
n go through those cones? "No, actually this isn't too fast, but this is=
Then you could show off your autocrossing skills by slaloming the cones a=
nd doi
ng a demonstration of threshold braking. The wierd part is that after sh=
that person what a competent and skilled driver you are, they'd probably =
give y
ou an "F". Wierd country we live in. In Germany the tests are very deta=
iled a
nd they make sure you really know how to drive before they give you a lic=
A friend of mine who lived in Germany had to take a mandatory ex=
e driving school, which was more like a performance drving school is in t=
his co
untry. Hey, if I were president I'd make all speed limits "speed suggest=
and make driving tests include slaloming, lane toss, and threshold brakin=
g. Wo
uldn't that be nice!
And thanks for your opinions. I was supprised at how many peopl=
e agre
ed that these DRLs that automatically come on are stupid. Thanks.
From: gregsj@mail.imm.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 17:50:11 -0800
Subject: A4 Test Drive
Fellow Audians;
I JUST returned from a half-hour A4Q test drive (V6/5spd). The salesperso=
n was =
pretty cool and did not complain once, despite the fact that I was workin=
g the =
car a bit. We got to do a little acceleration, some good braking and a fa=
ir =
amount of driving on some dry, winding, country roads.
I'm 6'6" so I found the car a bit small (headroom) on one hand, but was =
pleasantly surpised when I learned I could NOT have the seat all the way =
back =
and smoothly operate the clutch (my height is in my waist up, not my legs=
). =
The A4 is very smooth and very comfortable. The new suspension system is =
and much better than my '86 5000T, but then a decade should bring some =
improvements. I'll no doubt get some flack for this next comment, but the=
engine =
is sadly lacking in my favorite automotive past time - Acceleration! It m=
oves, =
but it does not press one into the seat nor does it generate any oohs or =
aahs =
(I've test driven a few '91 Audi 200 TQ 20 valves lately and they nicely =
demonstrate the kind of acceleration I expect from an automobile).
Conclusion - the A4 looks good; drives great; handles well; has wonderful=
brakes; but in the final analysis, it's a great car that desperately need=
s a =
great engine. Hopefully, the impending 30V and some aftermarket help will=
solve =
this regrettable problem. Arguably, Audi should have waited to release a =
V6-A4 =
after the 30v was ready. I just cannot imagine spending $32K (the "as tes=
ted" =
sticker price) for a car that will not make me grin from ear to ear when =
I stuff =
my foot on the go pedal.
Any other A4 test drivers out there and if so, what did you think?
From: Jesster436@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 1995 20:11:18 -0500
Subject: RE: foglights
My Coupe GT has aftermarket projector fog lights. I use them everynight
because the normal headlights suck badly. They light up practically noth=
except refelectors within 30 feet. The beam has a pattern that cuts off
around the top of the light pattern so as to not blind oncoming cars. If=
does sorry, but without 'em I can't see a thing. Before I had them my
passengers would tell me to turn on my lights when they were already on.
Audi had brilliance everywhere but in the lighting department!
Just my opinion:)
Jesse Almero, Jr.
Torrance, CA
1986 Audi Coupe GT
P.S. If any of you were driving a red Coupe GT just like mine northbound=
the San Diego Freeway (405) today--- Stop driving around without a front
bumper! Not only is it dangerous, it just plain looks awful! :)
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