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weird idle probelm when engine is cold.......

My '88 90 has a strange, intermittent idle problem when cold.  Even 
stranger is how I can temporarily correct it.  I'd like to, however, 
find a permanent solution to the problem.........

OK....say I start the car in the morning and drive it about 1/4 of a 
mile.  I then have to take the car out of gear to come to a stop.  When I 
depress the clutch pedal, the revs sometimes fall below normal idle (to 
~200), slightly rise, then either stay at ~200 or the motor dies.  If the revs 
stay at ~200, I can drive the car for sometime and, when idling, the 
revs still fall back to ~200.  It's as if the idle speed has been shifted 

The strange part of it is that I can correct the problem by turning the 
ignition off and starting the car again.  The idle speed immediately 
returns to normal.

Any Ideas??

'88 90