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A4 stereo beefs!

*:On   22-Nov-95 15:31 CST the Sb: Re:A4
 "Christopher E. Cieurzo" > INTERNET:ccieurzo@moose.uvm.edu - wrote:

<< Those hosers at Audi made it so it is damn near impossible to replace the
stock stereo. The non Bose head unit is new this year, and is a big improvement
over the old system. However, the CD player sucks. I cringed when I forked over
$700 for a unit that performs like it was made by K-mart. It skips over
everything, including expansion joints that are nearly flush with the road
surface. The random play is only for the disc you are on-not for the whole
magazine, and it is not programmable. I had a $320 Pioneer changer in my old
car (which had much stiffer suspension) and it ran rings around this player.
Audi went out of the way to make things difficult to upgrade-nonstandard dash
opening and amps mounted on the speakers-require you to replace the entire
system. What a rip off. Thanks for allowing me to blow off some steam.>>

I flew back from Munich to London last week with one of the Audi test team.
Mentioned the usual complaints to him including this one. He was non-plussed to
say the least on the stereo issue. Here are his responses as I remember them:

1) Audi produces cars for world use, and the US while an important market,
especially as a yardstick for environmental and safety, is not the standard by
which they evaluate handling, NVH etc. Expansion joints for example are
virtually a US phenomenon, which according to him are only as harsh as they
seem because of the corruption and feather bedding built into the US
construction industry. They had no problems with skipped tracks on over 4
million kms of testing this project, except where they expected it, such as
broken cobbles in Belgium and washboard in South Africa. BUT he suggested that
anyone with this problem should report it to the dealer and ask to test another
unit. There are variations in manufacturing and this could account for some of
the problem.

2) As for the lack of DIN or anyother standard - he had this to say.
Aftermarket is not an important consideration for Audi, MB and BMW ouside the
US. And because of the theft issues, and the tiny element of THEIR customer
base who consider this essential, they elected to build/design their dash first
and then get switch gear, stereo etc to fit. Ford have done the same with the
Taurus and he said that all the new Audis and MBs will be like this. It gives
them flexibility in spec. (he said) to add amps to compensate for speaker size
or power needs in compensation for placement.

3) I had a big beef about lighting (which is now fixed I believe) and power.
The answers have already appeared on this forum so I wont go further unless
their is interest.

JIC you were interested. Happy Thanksgiving from this traveller eating airline
turkey - hic!! .