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Re: Vanagon /911
Earlier, David R. Derting wrote:
> Being a snow skier I've though the ultimate ski-mobile would be a
> vanagon syncro with a 911 engine. My TQC is a great machine to get me to
> the mountain but the trunk space is wanting. Imagine, traction to climb the
> most annoying hills and plenty of room to put on you ski garb when you reach
> the top. This seems like a good idea to me.
> I've heard mention of a California firm (where else?) call Martin
> Schneider Designs (famous for headers, I think) that also specializes in
> vanagon/flat-six transplants. I've been meaning to contact them but
> alas, too may auto project, too little time.
> Is there anyone out there in net-land with experience in the above
> mentioned transplant
> David
> Who wants a Vanagon syncro on steroids
> davidder@teleport.COM Public Access User --- Not affiliated with TECHbooks
> Public Access UNIX and Internet at (503) 220-1016 (2400-14400, N81)
David seems to have a 503 area code, which is - I believe -
Portland Oregon. That's sort of a long way from Ohio.
Email me or phone and I'll lay out what major parts are probably
going to be needed. I don't run a business, just a hobby gone
wrong ... but that makes an interesting swap. Almost interesting
enough to say that if you bring all the pieces here I'd undertake
to insert said 911 engine into the rear of the Syncro.
The 911 fan clears the rear skirt by just a little bit, but it *will*
fit. Getting the clutch right is more of a challenge. I'd use an
older 911 - say a 2.7 or even a 2.4 with CIS. That's going to have
plenty of power and will stay away from {heh, heh} rampant overstress
of the VW drivetrain components.
- Charlie
Charlie Smith charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org 614-471-1418
Columbus, Ohio USA
4 wheeled fleet: 2 wheeled fleet:
_________________________ _________________________
86 5kCSTQ 92 Ducati 851SP 851cc
69 Porsche 911S 3,200cc 95 BMW R100-RT 1,000cc
81 VW Diesel Pickup (to be turbo'ed) 62 BMW R27 250cc