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Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas Anymore!
> unsubscribe
> Ken McDonald
> kmcd@rain.org
... no Ken, you're supposed to click your heels together 3 times and say
"there's no place like home," not send the same unsubscribe message twice
to the quattro list. If indeed termination of your subscription is what
you desire to accomplish, then sending a message very similar to the one
you sent to:
should do the trick. the problem is that I don't know whether you are
subscribed to the list or the digest (important for figuring out the body
of the message. Assuming that you have subscribed to the quattro list,
the body of your message would be:
unsubscribe quattro kmcd@rain.org
'twere the digest that y'were getting the string 'quattro' would be re-
placed with 'quattro-digest' I hope that this message can be used as a
lesson for others that are contemplating the same act.
Apologies for the sarcasm ... I got to work at 5am today ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)