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VHT Night Shades...

As promised, I called V.H.T. today.  Yes, they still make Night Shades tint
for taillights and, Yes, they are willing to sell it directly for $7.83 per
spray can (including shipping) if you can't find it locally.  Their address
is: VHT-Sperex, 8747 E. Via De Commercio, Scottsdale, AZ 85258.

As I recall, the key to applying it is to make sure the taillights are very
clean (I polished mine using some Meguiars plastic polish to get all of the
minor scuffs and scratches out) and apply it to both sides at the same time
so you can make sure you're putting on an even coat so they match.  I'm far
from an expert with a spray can and mine came out perfectly...

     _             _              _
    / l       l o l  \       l o l  \  _   _ o  _   _   AudiDudi@delphi.com
   /__l l l / l l l  l l l / l l l /  / l /  l l \ / _  Jeffrey Goggin
  /   l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l l  \ \_l \_ l l l \_l  Scottsdale, Arizona