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Re: Be afraid....be verry afraid

>Fellow veteran listers...
>What did Eric F (Steadiric) say after the list's address was published in 
>European car???
>>Hi there everyone. This is my first submission to this mailing list. 
>>Heard, from a friend, that you all wrer into 4 x 4s. Is that what Quattro 
>>means?...I got a 1984 Ford F-150 4 x 4.  
>>...I hope to hear from somebody soon.  I have got some other friends with 
>>4 x 4s that might find this list usefull.  I'll let then know about it.
>Wasn't it something like "Be afraid...Be very afraid!" ...
>Peter Schulz
>1990 Coupe Q

I am new to this list, so let me introduce myself, I am a 24
year old student in Orange County California, and have driven
an '86 4ks since 1991.  While driving the 4k, I was saving
for my dream car, a 1990 90Q20v.  Just last month, my dream
came true.  I purchased Jeffrey R. Zwart's (famed Road and
Track Photographer and two time Pike's Peak winner) Pearl
White/Black Leather car.  The car only has 68k miles, and
has every service done at the dealer.  I work for Lexus
currently, and have logged about 5-10k miles on every car
in their line, as well as driving all other comparable cars
at their ride and drives(read drive new model cars as fast
as you can on a closed course) and nothing comes close to the

Now in regards to Mr. Schulz's mail, I have been a EC reader
for 3 year, and the reader seem to be a good bunch, since the
publishing of this list in one of their issues, I don't
think you have anything to fear, and on the contrary, probably
have a lot of info to gain.

Best Regards,
³jstevens@kaiwan.com       ³ http://www.kaiwan.com/~jstevens           ³
³Orange County, California ³ ftp://kaiwan009.kaiwan.com/user/jstevens  ³
³"Nothing is so much to be feared as fear." -Henry David Thoreau, 1851 ³