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Re: Quattro Plates

>> > Why not just:
>> > 
>> >    4KCSQ
>> > 
>> > Those who know, know. Those who don't, don't.
>> Not to mention that it's not so easy for some irate citizen to 
>> memorize and report, in the (unlikely, to be sure) event you might 
>> lose your head and exceed the posted (speed) limit...
>Aye. One thing I don't like about personalized license plate is that it's 
>so easily memorizable -- to the wrong people. Like cops, see? If you have 
>just a generic license plate with alphanumeric numbers that make cop's 
>brain spin in his skull, he'll just more or less treat you as a generic 

Ahhh, but there is a simple fix for that... get a plate that reads
I4GOT   ;)   There is one running around north Iowa with that on
it.  :)
