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Re: HELP! Rattling from rear

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995 ptimmerm@mashtun.jpl.nasa.gov wrote:

> I suggest you start with the simple (and cheap) stuff first.
> Try replacing each wheel with your spare and see if it goes
> away.  If that doesn't work you'll have to get it up on a
> set of jack stands or a lift and run it in gear.

Its odd you mention that... my wifes 80Q has the same (??) noise. I 
tracked it down to something IN the exhaust, not the exhaust itself.. it 
really is annoying too, but at least I know its nothing major!  But if 
you thought of it as being bearing, then it probably isnt the 
same.....this doesnt sound like that...


(did ANY of that make sense??)

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