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Freq vlv repaired (ONE TO REMEMBER)
He shoots - He scores - The crowd goes wild!
After giving up and buying a multimeter instead of borrowing (this is a 20
year electrician talking here), I read out that everything for the 12V side
was dead. That included the freq vlv, wastegate soleniod, etc. It didn't
make sense that the under dash connection (F2) was bad. Looking further up
line, I saw that it went to 59/87a off the fuel pump relay.
The Bentley didn't show that as switched, so at first I thought I might
have a bad connection under the main panel. After trying for a few minutes
to get it out, I decided to pull the fuel pump relay anyway. Low and behold
- the diagram on the side of the relay showed 3 switched contacts, not 2!
Pulling the relay apart, it looked as if one of the contacts wasn't making
well. Low and behold, it was 87a. Judiciously adjusting the contacts to
make solved the problem. The duty cycle came down to 10%, since I had
richened the crap out of it.
Tweaked the mixture, listened to the singing of the old freq vlv (noisy
little bugger!), test drove, and the old gal has her breath back!
The worst part about this - that contact also feeds 12V into the ECU -
which put me into the limp mode originally. System goes to 95% duty cycle
w/no freq valve. I won't forget this one!
Total cost: 1 O2 sensor ($50.00)
1 Dwell meter ($19.00)
2 FI books ($50.00)
1 Soldering Iron ($13.00)
1 Digital Multimeter ($50.00)
Total $182.00 not counting my govt
I probably didn't need the O2 sensor in the first place - but that's my
offering to the gods this week. Next on the list: after run relay, pressure
accumulator, starter, radiator. Can't wait to get that wastegate spring next
Thanks to those who listened and offered advice - especially PDQSHIP and
...By the way - it got down to 43 here today - BRRR!
Dave Head