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More on TQC HP
I got a lot of messages asking what I did, and how I modified the car to
get the 2 bar. It was relatively simple, however I urge extreme caution,
its my toy (not a daily driver) and it can afford to be in 'repair' for a
while if something goes wrong!
1) Run the BEST gas you can find. I run 94 octane, to prevent (or help
anyway) pre-det. Since it has no knock sensors (ahem, thank you for
pointing that out!)...
2) Took apart the wastegate, fabricated a top spring perch with a bearing
housing and a turn handle that threads through the housing. (looks a LOT
like the jack tie down in the trunk). This compresses the spring more
with turns, allowing higer boost. (USE CAUTION HERE, dont go about 1.8 or
so unless you're really sure!)
3) Bypass fuel pump relay cutoff. I did this right at the relay (many
thanks to list members helping find the damn thing) I put in switched 12V
to pin 87 (I think) of the relay. This makes the pump go on with the key.
Again, use caution, it means in case of accident etc etc etc... (side
note: I noticed the car starts a lot easier now too! Without bypassing
it, it reaches pressure then turns off...)
My boost gauge easily goes to 2.0 bar now, but I dialed it down a little
to 1.9 or so, until I get a better boost gauge, so I know exactly where I
am. (one is on the way...I hope) After that, Ill know.
Also playing with mixture settings, but more mechanical than electrical
for now, but that will be fixed too. :)
Once I get the boost gauge installed Ill attach some monitoring
equipment, making sure I dont get a small mushroom cloud over the hood.
Will keep you posted, and I welcome all suggestions/warnings.
Disclaimer: So far I have had REALLY good results over severl hundred
miles at this point, but modify at your own risk. Might be best to leave
the mods to the professionals (ned.??..no comment!)
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bob.damato@snetel.com |Phone:203.771.7081
|Fax: 203.773.3398
The Southern New England Telephone Co. |Pager: Yeah, Right...
300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
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Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro