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Re: Smoking 5KCSTQ ??

It sound like your head gasket is blown. The white smoke sounded like 
burnt coolant and the white milky stuffs on the oil filler cap is probably 
coolant mixed with oil. 

Did you check the coolant level in the coolant tank?

Anthony Chan
85' 5000s for sale
92' 100 V6

On Tue, 12 Dec 1995, Paul Hill 223-2154 wrote:

> '86 5KCSTQ
> First, thanks to all the people who sent me mail on the "ABS off" light
> problem.  Of course, since I asked the question, the problem has not shown
> up again (not that I'm complaining).  A much more disturbing problem did
> show up this morning however.
> I have noticed that the oil filler cap has been leaking for a while, but 
> this weekend it was getting to be a dribble, so I bought a new cap which I 
> fitted last night.  On my way to work this morning I was being followed by 
> a large white cloud of smoke which gradually got bigger and bigger until I
> was forced to stop because I thought the car was on fire.  It turns out the 
> smoke was coming from the tail pipe, not from oil burning on the outside 
> of the exhaust.  My nice new oil filler cap was not leaking at all, but I 
> decided to take it off anyway to admire it up close and pooooph!!  there was
> a major pressure relief - like 25 to 35 psi of pressure relief (the engine was
> still running).
> I left the cap off and continued the couple of miles to work.  No more smoke.
> Throughout this whole affair, the car ran perfectly.  Started easily, ran and 
> idled smoothly, pulled strong and smooth, both with and without the filler cap
> in place.
> The only other thing of note is that I have been noticing some milky white 
> crud on the filler cap recently, indicating that there is some water in the 
> oil, although it did not look too bad.
> So what's the verdict on the diagnosis?
> Send your entry on a large denomination US bill, or on the back of an Audi
> gift certificate....
> Paul