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Re: (Fwd) Re: Mega-Stereos
Well, ballistically, the barrels of the cannons move backward almost instantly
as the round travels up the barrel. The rearward movement of the barrel is
called recoil. It's a simple action-reaction physics scenario. Hydraulics are
used to keep the barrels from snapping forward instantly and crashing into
their supports after full recoil. Hydraulic dampers are used to slow the
movement of the barrel back into battery position, their original pre-firing
location, to be ready for another round, as well as controlling the actual
recoil. On a system with high resolution and excellent dynamic range one can
hear the hydraulic "shock absorbers" slowing the return of the barrels to
battery after the initial burst of sonic energy from firing the round. It's a
sort-of ffffzzzzzztttttt or wwhhhhzzzzzztttttt type of sound.