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4th gen. quattro

	The A4 quattro is advertised as having the "fourth generation quattro 
system." Here are my guesses on what the four gens. are:

1st:  1981(?) - 1987       front:	free
      all models	   center:	manually lockable
			   rear:	manually lockable

2nd:  1988 - 1995	   front:	free
      all but V8           center:	TORSEN
			   rear:	manually lockable with
					auto disengage above 15mph/25kmh

3rd:  1990 - 1991	   front:	free
      V8		   center:	TORSEN
			   rear:	TORSEN

4th:  1996 -               front:	free
      all models	   center:	TORSEN
                           rear:	manually lockable with
                                        auto disengage above 15mph/25kmh
                                        and EDL (a true autolock feature?
					or some kind of "brake the wheel
					that's spinning" thing? the owner's
					was confusing - possibly EDL means
					something different for FWD than it
					does for quattro?)

	Corrections? Comments? Anyone have any clue about why Audi didn't 
stick with the V8's double TORSEN setup? Seems like the best to me, although 
it takes all the fun out of manually locking the diffs.

'93 90csq