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RE: Audi Of North America (USA) #?

Message-ID: red-46-msg951215234629MTP[01.51.00]000000a0-40937

It's (800) 822-2834.
- peter, peterhe@microsoft.com

| From: Jeff Loh  <jloh@fdva.com>
| To:  <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
| Subject: Audi Of North America (USA) #?
| Date: Friday, December 15, 1995 2:53PM
| All:
| Been searching the web for recall information for my 85 4KS.
| So far, I've been unable to get any info on recalls for US spec Audi 4000s.
| Does any one in the States have Audi of America's phone number so I can
| contact them directly?
| Much appreciated if you would email me.
| TIA,
| JL