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       I for one have seen many of the various GTCC series races.  Very excitin
g racing....a lot more fun to watch that the boring 'ol run around in a circle
and crash 'em all NASCAR races!  Sorry if I offeneded anyone with the above sta
tement...It is just an opinion, so live with it...and my dad watches NASCAR as
well....I still hate it!

       The GTCC series are cars, that have a rollcage, but are built of factory
 specs and most of them are Very fast!  These usualy came on ESPN in the summer
 time...I think that's the race season (I'd assume so since the winters are pre
tty crappy for racing in Europe...all though I'm sure Audi wouldn't mind that!)
.  Anyways, I did not see any Audis racing in this seris, although I haven't se
en it in a while.  But, I saw Mercedes and Alfa as the big contenders!  Lots of
action between the two.  They'd get up on curbs and bump eachother.....some spe
tacular wrecks too!!!  They seem to show a segment with clips of all the wrecks
of the race in it called "Speedy's Clips" or something like that (they had a pi
cture of a turtle in the corner).  Anyways, this segment was really cool...seei
ng M3 roll, a Mercedes fly clear over a wall and land on it side.  Lots of twis
ted metal and broken glass.  Definately a highpoint of the show!  OK, Don't get
all upset....No, none of the drivers in the accidents I saw were injured!

          They also had a race where they raced on a stretch of the Autobahn!!!
That was cool!  And, actually I seem to remember an Audi V8 racing in that seri
es a few years ago....I remember this because in one of the races I was watchin
g, the hood of one of the V8's (the latch was loose from a bump with a car in f
ront of it) came loose and smacked back into the winshield while the car was at
speed, clear covering the windshield (the driver couldn't see a thing).  He los
t control, but managed to pull the car over to the side.  I think that put a da
mper on that race for him.  The hood was all bent up.  Kinda cool though ;-)
I don't know how the V8's did in that series, but I don't think they were raced
all that long.  Maybee that's cause they started changing the rules like they d
id in the US, or maybee that's cause they didn't do too well.  Any one know the
real story about Audis racing career in the GTCC or BTCC?
