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Re: Is a resistor worth its weight in platinum?
On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Todd Day wrote:
> The main point I'm trying to make here is that you can't go
> breaking down a purchase like an ECU mod down without finding
> silly things like a $700 resistor. How about if I spend two
> months completely dissasembling and understanding the code of
> your ECU, then make modifications to your code? Someone else
> who doesn't know how hard that is will complain that they only
> got a $2.50 EPROM. Knowledge valuation is a tricky area.
Thats terrific... but refer to my previous post of where I stated "Its
fine for the ECU's where he actually does a code change".
I did the same darn thing on my TQC, getting a good solid 2 bar. Cost me
ZERO dollars and almost ten minutes of my time. And thats never opening
the box of an ECU before. Ned is misleading us.
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