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Son of: Unsub./RTFM!!

The Hon. Wm. Murrin sent:

> Al--
> Less than charitable.  You ought to see the message I had written and 
> then trashed with the cancel key.  How 'bout this--instread of letting 
> just anyone subscribe we have some kind of initiation, rite of passage, 
> etc.  You know, answer three questions about Audis, and deposit a sum of 
> cash with Bob (and/or the wannabe Bobs').  We keep 1/2 for 
> "administrative overhead", the other half is returnable when you unsub IF 
> you do it right.
> Too much spiked eggnog.  Happy Holidays and Happy Audi-ing to one & all.

How about this - since the Digest comes with Unsub. directions at the 
top of each message (and it's the only thing I can subscribe to, 
based on the traffic on this list...) would it be unbearable to put a 
two-line "Unsub. directions" as an automatic footer to each indivual 
mesage??  or would the cure be worse than the disease.  Mebbe 

Also - that idea would ONLY work if it could be done without 
putting the footer on every message in the Digest.  That would really 
make the Digest unreadable.


New topic:  just a note to thank one and all for the great advice and 
cyber-friendships offered over this group.  This is definitely a 
"virtual community" in the best sense of the phrase.  I hope all of 
you have a wonderful holiday season!!

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Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/rpe/alpage.htm

       "I'm for abolishing and doing away with redundancy."
           - J.C. McKay, Wisconsin St. Elections Board.
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