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Re: '84 Coupe GT - Brake Light

At 01:40 PM 12/26/95 PST, Louie, Rick wrote:
>I have a 1984 Audi Coupe GT.  I am having a problem with the driver's side 
>brake light not working.  I have tried replacing the bulb, checking the 
>fuses.  The rest of the light assembly is working fine (reverse light, tail 
>light, turn signal light) and the passenger side brake lights and assembly 
>are working fine.  Can anybody help me with this problem as to where to 

don't recall the tail lite config for the coupe--if the inop lites are the
ones in the lid, check the wiring harness to the lid--the mechanical flexing
of the wires over the years breaks them down, shorting them internally.
even if they aren't the inop lites, they may be affecting the lites on that
side anyway.

* linus toy             email:  linust@interramp.com *
* seattle, wa                                        *